sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2020

Berufsreportage über einen Teil meines Weges HIER KLICKEN 

Im Kampf für Gleichberechtigung

Wer Gender Studies studiert, hat keinen linearen Berufsweg vorgegeben. Einen bestimmten Karrierewunsch hatte auch Liviana B. (33) nicht. Ihr Ziel ist es, eine gerechtere Welt zu schaffen. Der Weg dahin ist – wie ihr Werdegang zeigt – vielseitig.....

Olga hat bei dem Online Journal Beruf und Karriere über mich geschreiben...  Viel Spass :-) 



quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2020

Corona is still not over ! 

Corona ainda não acabou! 

Corona ist noch nicht vorbei!

Dear community and friends,

We ask for the international solidarity support Quilombo Santa Rosa dos Pretos so that they can build their pharmacy, and help sustain the families and communities they work alongside, with urgently-needed medicine and medical appointment at a moment when their work was already disrupted by Covid-19, so funds are needed more than ever.

*Please give whatever you can, and share widely. Funds will be transferred to Quilombo Santa Rosa dos Pretos quickly and often, so that they can address the damage immediately.

We sincerely thank you for being at our side in the autonomous struggle for land, bread, health and freedom. Laroyê !!

We quilombolas from the territories Santa Rosa dos Pretos and Santa Maria dos Pinheiros, we fight against our genocide caused by the duplication of BR135 road. Since mid-2017, DNIT (National Department of Transport Infrastructure) has been carrying out works to duplicate BR 135 within quilombola lands and traditional communities in the municipalities of Miranda do Norte, Itapecuru-Mirim, Santa Rita and Bacabeira in the state of Maranhão in Brazil. The works are irregular.

They speak for us, decide for us, sign agreements for us.
But nobody dies in our place.

You can read the reports in english about the ancestral struggle of the quilombolas of Santa Rosa dos Pretos against the new colonial domains The Black World has more life 

The link in english of our Zine:  The Black World has more life

National campaign for prior consultation with quilombola peoples:

Follow on Instagram: @consultapreviaquilombola