Workshop: Recognizing, Questioning and Working on Colonial Continuities
3. bis 5.9.2021 (Leipzig) und 8.9.2021 (Online) BOOKED OUT!
In the workshop, we take into focus the structures of power relations and multiple discrimination that we encounter again and again in various contexts. Anti-racist and anti-colonial resistance embedded in global and local interrelationships lead us to different places. In the seminar we investigate the question of how and where concretely colonial continuities become visible. We deal with ourselves in the micro and with the global world in the macro and together we follow the traces of the colonial heritage. We identify where awareness or sensitivity for one’s own behavior is required: positioning, privileges, prejudices. What does that have to do with me? How do I position myself when dealing with forms of discrimination such as racism and sexism? It’s about questioning and reflecting. What options do I have to influence or deconstruct social power relations?
Workshop languages:
German and English, others if required (language mediation)
Workshop hours:
Friday 03.09. 17:00 tio 19:00
Saturday 04.09. 09:15 to 18:30
Sunday 05.09. 09:15 to 13:00
With full board and accommodation in single or double rooms
Wednesday 08.09. afternoon/ evening
Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionswerk Leipzig e.V.
Paul-List-Straße 19,
04103 Leipzig
Liviana Bath is an international multiplier of the
Theater of the Oppressed and a facilitator for power-critical
educational work with a focus on gender & diversity, critical
whiteness and colonial continuities. Her concern is to sensitize and to
question structural power relations, discrimination mechanisms and
privileges by means of creative methods.
Muhammed Lamin Jadama is an activist, filmmaker and photographer. He works as a community trainer at Terre de Femme on gender equality and gender-based violence.