quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2020

Fármacia comunitaria AGORA ! Die Comunity Apotheke JETZT! Comunity Pharmarcy NOW! 


Quilombo Santa Rosa dos Pretos, hat eine Campagne gestartet
Es liegen schwere Verstöße vor! Covid 19 eine weitere Serie !!!
Seit Mitte 2017 führt DNIT Arbeiten zur Vervielfältigung von BR 135 in Quilombola-Gebieten 
und traditionellen Gemeinden in den Gemeinden Miranda do Norte, Itapecuru-Mirim, 
Santa Rita und Bacabeira im Maranhão, Brasilien durch. 

Quilombo Santa Rosa dos Pretos sammelelt zum Aufbau einer lokalen Apotheke Geld. 
Mit einer Spende Unterstützen Sie die Bewohner_innen des Quilombo Santa Rosa dos 
Pretos diese Pandemie zu überleben! Mit den Spenden wird eine Comunity Apotheke 
Die gesammelten Mittel werden zum Kauf von grundlegenden Gesundheitsmaterialien 
wie Thermometer, Manometer, Oximeter und Medikamente gegen Fieber, Muskelschmerzen, 
Kopfschmerzen und entzündungshemmende Mittel zu kaufen - alles mit medizinischen 
Empfehlungen. Die Comunity ist per WhatsApp mit Ärzten und Krankenschwestern, 
im direkten Kontakt und werden betreut.
Diese Materialien werden für diesen Pandemiemoment und darüber hinaus verwendet. 
Jetzt Handeln und Überleben sichern! 

Dear people,

Community and friends of Quilombo Santa Rosa dos Pretos:


Since mid-2017, DNIT has been carrying out works to duplicate BR 135 within quilombola lands and traditional communities in the municipalities of Miranda do Norte, Itapecuru-Mirim, Santa Rita and Bacabeira. Part of the works are irregular. Many people visit and know personaly the Quilombo Santa Rosa dos Pretos. National and International the Comunity opens up to recieve visits that you can get to know the Quilombo. 

Now it is time for the international solidarity support Quilombo Santa Rosa dos Pretos so that they can build their pharmacy, and help sustain the families and communities they work alongside, with urgently-needed medicine at a moment when their work was already disrupted by Covid-19, so funds are needed more than ever.

Covid 19 Invasive!

Serious violations!
Covid 19 another series !!!

Support the Quilombo Santa Rosa dos Pretos survive this pandemic, donate and make the dream of community pharmacy possible!
Let`s colect donations to build a local farmacy!

The funds raised will be used to purchase basic health materials such as: thermometer, pressure gauge, oximeter and remedies for muscle pain, headaches, anti-inflammatory - all with medical recommendations. We have a group of doctors and nurses who are providing care via Whatsapp.


Violações em série!
Covid 19 mais uma série!!!
Covid 19 invasa!

Vamos juntar dinheiro para construir uma famacia local!
Apoiam o Quilombo Santa Rosa dos Pretos a sobreviver à essa Pandemia, doe e torne possível o sonho da farmácia comunitária!

O recurso arrecadado irá servi para compra de materiais básicos de saúde como: 

 termômetro, medidor de pressão, oxímetro e remédios para febre, dores musculares, de cabeça, anti inflamatório - tudo com recomendações médicas. Temos um grupo de médicos e enfermeiros que estão prestando atendimento via Whatsapp.
Esses materiais vão servir para esse momento de pandemia e para além, pois teremos assim montado uma farmácia comunitária.
These materials will be used for this pandemic moment and beyond, as we will have set up a community pharmacy.


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